Dedicated Estate Planning Attorneys in Ann Arbor, Michigan

At Steslicki & Ghannam PLC, our Ann Arbor lawyers believe all Michigan residents should have equal access to estate planning tools, including the nearly 120,000 people who call this city home.

No matter where you live or work in Ann Arbor, our Washtenaw County estate planning attorneys will help you create a legal strategy that suits your unique needs and goals.

Recognizing that no two clients are the same, we will take the time to gain an understanding of your specific situation and, most importantly, your particular goals, and make sure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions so that we develop the best plan to handle your legal and financial matters.

We understand that delaying estate planning needs often results from fear of the unknown. That includes not knowing which tools are right for you, feeling overwhelmed by the complexity, lack of understanding, or uncertainty about how to proceed. We can help answer all your questions and tailor an estate plan that works for you—no matter the size or value of your estate.

Contact our skilled estate planning lawyers in Ann Arbor today to learn more about your options.

Estate Planning Law in Ann Arbor

Steslicki & Ghannam Ann Arbor, Michigan Estate Planning Attorney Practice Areas

At Steslicki & Ghannam, our Ann Arbor estate planning lawyers partner with individuals and families to assess their assets, liabilities, family dynamics, and future needs to develop comprehensive plans that address their wishes for asset distribution, healthcare decisions, and legacy preservation.

Our first goal in estate planning is to establish each client’s objectives and educate them about different options rather than trying to force a one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone entering our doors has a different situation and should be given a personalized solution to their estate planning needs.

Our firm offers a broad range of estate planning solutions, including:

  • Asset Protection.
  • Guardianships.
  • Powers of Attorney.
  • Wills and Trusts.

We ensure that each client’s current and long-range plans are addressed, whether simple or highly complex. Our attention to detail and broad legal experience make us one of southeastern Michigan’s premiere estate planning firms.

Our Ann Arbor estate planning attorneys are crucial in helping individuals protect their assets, plan for the future, and ensure that their wishes are carried out effectively. Contact us today to learn how we can help provide peace of mind and security for you and your family.

Partner with Our Ann Arbor Attorneys Who Create Customized Estate Planning Tools for All

At Steslicki & Ghannam, our Ann Arbor estate planning lawyers believe access to the proper tools is essential for individuals from all walks of life for several reasons.

They include:

  • Asset Distribution

Estate planning lets you specify how your assets should be distributed upon death. Without a valid will or trust, state intestacy laws determine how assets are distributed, which may not align with your wishes—no matter the size or value of your estate.

  • Guardianship Designation

Parents with minor children can use estate planning tools to designate guardians who will care for their children in the event of their death. This ensures that children are placed in the care of trusted individuals chosen by the parents rather than determined by the court.

  • Family Harmony

Clear and comprehensive estate planning can help prevent disputes among family members over asset distribution and other matters. By clearly outlining your wishes in legal documents, you can minimize the risk of family conflicts and ensure your intentions are carried out.

  • Avoiding Probate

Estate planning tools like trusts can help your family avoid the probate process, which can be time-consuming, costly, and subject to public scrutiny. By bypassing probate, assets can be transferred to beneficiaries more efficiently and with greater privacy.

  • Incapacity Planning

Estate planning allows you to plan for incapacity by appointing someone to make financial and healthcare decisions if you cannot do so yourself. Powers of attorney and advance directives are essential tools for incapacity planning.

  • Tax Planning

Estate planning can help minimize estate taxes and maximize the wealth transferred to beneficiaries. Strategies such as gifting, trusts, and charitable donations can reduce the tax burden on the estate, keeping your assets out of the government’s hands.

  • Asset Protection

Specific estate planning tools, such as irrevocable trusts, can protect assets by shielding them from creditors, lawsuits, and other claims. This can help you preserve your wealth for you and your beneficiaries.

  • Charitable Giving

Estate planning allows you to support charitable causes that are important to you by including charitable donations in your estate plans. This can leave a lasting legacy and benefit organizations that align with your values.

Access to estate planning tools empowers all Michigan residents to protect their assets, provide for their loved ones, and ensure their wishes are fulfilled during their lifetime and after death. Contact our Ann Arbor estate planning attorneys to help you outline your goals and develop a customized plan that meets all your needs to get the peace of mind you deserve.

Can I Plan My Future Without an Ann Arbor Estate Planning Attorney’s Help?

While there may be some basic estate planning tasks that you can undertake on your own, such as organizing your financial documents or creating a list of beneficiaries, consulting with an estate planning attorney is typically the best course of action to ensure that your estate plan is thorough, legally valid, and tailored to your individual needs and circumstances.

DIY estate planning or using generic forms found online can lead to errors or oversights that may render your estate plan invalid or ineffective. Partnering with a skilled estate planning attorney in Ann Arbor can help you avoid common pitfalls associated with these resources and ensure your plan complies with all legal requirements.

In addition, estate planning involves more than just drafting a will. It may also include creating trusts, establishing powers of attorney for healthcare and financial matters, planning for incapacity, minimizing estate taxes, and addressing other important considerations.

We understand planning your future and protecting your assets can be complex and daunting.

Our dedicated Ann Arbor estate planning attorneys can help you understand the various legal documents and concepts that can be complex and subject to state-specific laws and regulations and provide the knowledge and expertise to navigate these legal intricacies and ensure that your estate plan is legally sound and practical.

Contact Our Skilled Estate Planning Lawyers in Ann Arbor Today

We can help you develop a comprehensive plan covering all aspects of your estate and ensuring your wishes are fulfilled. This will give you peace of mind, knowing that your affairs are in order and your loved ones will be taken care of according to your wishes. Contact our skilled estate planning lawyers in Ann Arbor today to learn more.

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